12 research outputs found

    Who you gonna call? Analyzing Web Requests in Android Applications

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    Relying on ubiquitous Internet connectivity, applications on mobile devices frequently perform web requests during their execution. They fetch data for users to interact with, invoke remote functionalities, or send user-generated content or meta-data. These requests collectively reveal common practices of mobile application development, like what external services are used and how, and they point to possible negative effects like security and privacy violations, or impacts on battery life. In this paper, we assess different ways to analyze what web requests Android applications make. We start by presenting dynamic data collected from running 20 randomly selected Android applications and observing their network activity. Next, we present a static analysis tool, Stringoid, that analyzes string concatenations in Android applications to estimate constructed URL strings. Using Stringoid, we extract URLs from 30, 000 Android applications, and compare the performance with a simpler constant extraction analysis. Finally, we present a discussion of the advantages and limitations of dynamic and static analyses when extracting URLs, as we compare the data extracted by Stringoid from the same 20 applications with the dynamically collected data

    Blame for Null

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    Multiple modern programming languages, including Kotlin, Scala, Swift, and C#, have type systems where nullability is explicitly specified in the types. All of the above also need to interoperate with languages where types remain implicitly nullable, like Java. This leads to runtime errors that can manifest in subtle ways. In this paper, we show how to reason about the presence and provenance of such nullability errors using the concept of blame from gradual typing. Specifically, we introduce a calculus, ?_null, where some terms are typed as implicitly nullable and others as explicitly nullable. Just like in the original blame calculus of Wadler and Findler, interactions between both kinds of terms are mediated by casts with attached blame labels, which indicate the origin of errors. On top of ?_null, we then create a second calculus, ?_null^s, which closely models the interoperability between languages with implicit nullability and languages with explicit nullability, such as Java and Scala. Our main result is a theorem that states that nullability errors in ?_null^s can always be blamed on terms with less-precise typing; that is, terms typed as implicitly nullable. By analogy, this would mean that NullPointerExceptions in combined Java/Scala programs are always the result of unsoundness in the Java type system. We summarize our result with the slogan explicitly nullable programs can\u27t be blamed. All our results are formalized in the Coq proof assistant

    A Path to DOT: Formalizing Scala with Dependent Object Types

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    The goal of my thesis is to enable formal reasoning about the Scala programming language. To that end I present a core calculus that formalizes Scala's i) essential features in a ii) type-safe way and is iii) easy to extend with more features. I build on the Dependent Object Types (DOT) calculus that formalizes path-dependent types. My contributions are i) a generalization of DOT with types that depend on paths of arbitrary length, ii) a simple, extensible type-safety proof for DOT, and iii) an extension of DOT with mutable references. The simple proof makes designing smaller extensions such as mutation straightforward, and larger extensions, such as full support for paths, approachable. Adding fully path-dependent types to DOT allows us to model the key feature of Scala's type and module system. The calculi and proofs presented in my thesis are fully mechanized in Coq

    Blame for Null (Artifact)

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    This artifact is a companion to the paper "Blame for Null", where we formalize multiple calculi to reason about the interoperability between languages where nullability is explicit and those where nullability is implicit. Our main result is a theorem that states that nullability errors can always be blamed on terms with less-precise typing; that is, terms typed as implicitly nullable. We summarize our result with the slogan explicitly nullable programs can\u27t be blamed. The artifact consists of a mechanized Coq proof of the results presented in the paper

    Data Flow Analysis in the Presence of Correlated Calls

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    This thesis presents a technique to improve the precision of data-flow analyses on object-oriented programs in the presence of correlated calls. We say that two method calls are correlated if they are polymorphic (have multiple targets) and are invoked on the same object. Correlated calls are problematic because they can make existing data-flow analyses consider certain infeasible data-flow paths as valid. This leads to loss in precision of the analysis solution. We show how infeasible paths can be eliminated for Inter-procedural Finite Distributive Subset (IFDS) problems, a large class of data-flow analysis problems. We show how the precision of IFDS problems can be improved in the presence of correlated calls, by using the Inter-procedural Distributive Environment (IDE) algorithm to eliminate infeasible paths. Using IDE, we eliminate the infeasible paths and obtain a more precise result for the original IFDS problem. Our analysis is implemented in Scala, using the WALA framework for static program analysis on Java bytecode

    Front Matter - ECOOP 2018 Artifacts, Table of Contents, Preface, Artifact Evaluation Committee

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    Front Matter - ECOOP 2018 Artifacts, Table of Contents, Preface, Artifact Evaluation Committe

    Precise Data Flow Analysis in the Presence of Correlated Method Calls

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    Abstract. When two methods are invoked on the same object, the dispatch behaviours of these method calls will be correlated. If two correlated method calls are polymorphic (i.e., they dispatch to different method definitions depending on the type of the receiver object), a program's interprocedural control-flow graph will contain infeasible paths. Existing algorithms for data-flow analysis are unable to ignore such infeasible paths, giving rise to loss of precision. We show how infeasible paths due to correlated calls can be eliminated for Interprocedural Finite Distributive Subset (IFDS) problems, a large class of data-flow analysis problems with broad applications. Our approach is to transform an IFDS problem into an Interprocedural Distributive Environment (IDE) problem, in which edge functions filter out data flow along infeasible paths. A solution to this IDE problem can be mapped back to the solution space of the original IFDS problem. We formalize the approach, prove it correct, and report on an implementation in the WALA analysis framework

    The Future is Ours: Prophecy Variables in Separation Logic

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    Early in the development of Hoare logic, Owicki and Gries introduced auxiliary variables as a way of encoding information about the history of a program’s execution that is useful for verifying its correctness. Over a decade later, Abadi and Lamport observed that it is sometimes also necessary to know in advance what a program will do in the future. To address this need, they proposed prophecy variables, originally as a proof technique for refinement mappings between state machines. However, despite the fact that prophecy variables are a clearly useful reasoning mechanism, there is (surprisingly) almost no work that attempts to integrate them into Hoare logic. In this paper, we present the first account of prophecy variables in a Hoare-style program logic that is flexible enough to verify logical atomicity (a relative of linearizability) for classic examples from the concurrency literature like RDCSS and the Herlihy-Wing queue. Our account is formalized in the Iris framework for separation logic in Coq. It makes essential use of ownership to encode the exclusive right to resolve a prophecy, which in turn enables us to enforce soundness of prophecies with a very simple set of proof rules.ISSN:2475-142